Thursday, 20 December 2012

Winter Solstice: The winners!

Wow it's it's been a fantastic two weeks! I've loved all the author interviews and give-aways here and on Book Whispers so I hope that you have too! It is always excellent to be able to announce the winners of the great books & ebooks! Are you listed here? I'll be in touch soon!

Make sure you check out the winners of the other contests over at Book Whispers.

Winner of an ecopy of Winter Eve by Lia davis is:


Winner of a copy of one of  A.C.Warneke's ebooks is:

April at My Paranormal Book Reiew

Winner of a paperback from Suzanne McLeod is:

Donna Simmonds

Winner of a copy of one of  Celine Chatillon's ebooks is:


Winner of an ecopy of Born of Blood and Retribution by Liz Strange is:

Shera at Book Whispers

I will in in touch with all of you soon! Hope you enjoy the books :-)

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